1 Personal Data

The Customer is informed and accepts that personal data concerning him (in particular his name, first name, email address, password, postal address, telephone number, connection and usage data) are collected on the Site and used by EMINENCE (or any third party concerned in the event of restructuring, merger, acquisition, transfer of assets, collective procedure or sale of the EMINENCE Group) who acts as Data Controller within the meaning of law 78-17 of January 6, 1978, as as amended on January 20, 2017 (hereinafter the “Informatics and Liberties Act”).

Customers' personal data may be transmitted to service providers and contractual partners, acting on the instructions of EMINENCE as subcontractors within the meaning of the Data Protection Act, when they intervene and contribute directly to the management of orders and payments. deliveries or the management of Customer reviews, and for which it is absolutely necessary to access the personal data provided by the Customer. EMINENCE is committed to protecting and ensuring the security and confidentiality of the personal data of its Customers in accordance with the Data Protection Act.

Personal data is collected and processed by EMINENCE in a fair and transparent manner, and will only be kept for the time strictly necessary for the purposes determined below.

The Customer also has a permanent right of access, modification, rectification and opposition with regard to information concerning him. These rights may be exercised under the conditions and according to the methods defined below.

1.1 Use of personal data

Customers' personal data is used for the following purposes and on the following legal bases:

- For the execution of the contract: access and use of the site by the Customer, verification, identification and authentication of data transmitted by the Customer, management of orders and relations with the Customer, organization of the conditions of use of payment services, management of possible disputes with the Client;

- With the Client's consent: statistical analyses, information from Clients relating to offers and commercial information linked to the brand and prospecting by the EMINENCE GROUP; personalization of services offered to Customers based on browsing history;

- In the legitimate interest of EMINENCE: management of the operation and optimization of the site, implementation of Customer assistance, management of Customer Reviews, prevention and detection of fraud, malware (malicious software), incident management security, management or implementation of a restructuring operation, merger, acquisition, transfer of assets, sale or collective procedure concerning the EMINENCE Group.

- For compliance with legal and regulatory obligations;

The Customer's personal data is only kept for the period strictly necessary for the purposes determined above.

Certain longer retention periods may result from legislative and regulatory texts (in particular, but not exclusively, those provided for by the commercial code, the civil code and the consumer code). Certain texts also require that documents/information containing personal data be kept for a specific period of time, for purposes of proof or in anticipation of possible litigation until the action in question has expired. For example, in commercial matters, obligations are prescribed, in principle, by five years if they are not subject to special requirements (article L.110-4 of the commercial code). EMINENCE is therefore obliged to retain certain personal data beyond the execution of sales contracts although it no longer has use of them in the form of so-called intermediate archives.

1.2 Sharing of personal data

Customers' personal data may be shared with third parties in the following cases:

- when the Site uses the services of a subcontractor within the meaning of the Data Protection Act to provide the management of Customer reviews, payment services as well as advertising with the consent of the Customer. These subcontractors have limited access to the Client's data, as part of the execution of these services, and have a contractual obligation to use them in accordance with the provisions of the applicable data protection regulations. personal character. Regarding payment services, it is specified that EMINENCE is in contact with third-party banking and financial companies that have a system that guarantees secure online payment (SSL encryption) and that EMINENCE does not collect or does not keep Customers’ bank card details;

- when the Customer authorizes a third-party Site to access his data;

- if required by law, EMINENCE may transmit data to follow up on complaints presented against the site and to comply with administrative and legal procedures;

- if the EMINENCE Group is involved in a restructuring, merger, acquisition, transfer of assets, safeguard or legal recovery procedure or sale, it may transfer or share to the third party concerned all or part of its assets, including personal data without new prior authorization from the Client.

1.3 Security and confidentiality

EMINENCE implements organizational, technical, software and physical measures in terms of digital security to protect personal data against alteration, destruction and unauthorized access. However, it should be noted that the Internet is not a completely secure environment and the Site cannot guarantee the security of the transmission or storage of information on the Internet. 

To date, EMINENCE does not transfer any personal data concerning you outside the European Union. In the event that transfers should take place outside the European Union EMINENCE will implement appropriate protection measures by basing these transfers on the decisions of the European Commission concerning the countries offering an adequate level of protection, on clauses standard contractual agreements or even binding corporate rules.

1.4. Implementation of Customer rights

In accordance with the Data Protection Act, Customers have the following “Computer Rights and Freedoms”:

- Each User has the right to have confirmation that personal data concerning him or her are processed, to be aware of the purposes of the processing, the category of data used, the recipients of the data or even the retention period of the data. Each User also has the right to obtain a copy of the data concerning them in a readable and commonly used format to meet their own needs or when technically possible, to have them directly transferred from EMINENCE to another organization.

- Each User has the right to obtain the updating or rectification of inaccurate or obsolete personal data concerning them.

- Each User has the right to obtain the erasure of personal data concerning them when they are no longer necessary in view of the purposes for which they are processed, when they withdraw their consent, or when they object to treatment.

- Each User has the right, for reasons relating to their particular situation, to object at any time to the processing of their personal data concerning them when the processing is based on the legitimate interest of EMINENCE or on the consent of the 'user.

- Each User has the right to obtain the limitation of processing when he is opposed to it, when he contests the accuracy of the data, when their processing is unlawful, or when he needs it for the establishment, l exercise or defense of one's rights in court.

- Each User may communicate to EMINENCE specific directives in which they define the manner in which their IT Rights and Freedoms set out above will be exercised, after their death.

To exercise one of these Rights, the Customer must send a written request to EMINENCE by post to the following address: EMINENCE, For the attention of the Data Protection Officer, Route de Gallargues – BP 30 – 30470 AIMARGUES or by email to the following address: dpo@eminence.fr

Each request must include the Customer's last name, first name, email address and references. Depending on the type of request, valid proof of identity may be requested, in particular to avoid any disclosure of personal data to third parties.

The response to such a request will be sent in the forms and within the time limits provided for by the applicable regulations in force.

1.5. Evolution of this clause

EMINENCE reserves the right to make any modification to this clause relating to the protection of personal data at any time. If a modification is made to this personal data protection clause, EMINENCE undertakes to publish the new version on its site. If the Customer does not agree with the terms of the new wording of the personal data protection clause, he has the possibility of deleting his account.


2 Cookies

When consulting the Site, information relating to navigation may be recorded in “Cookies” files installed on the User’s terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.). EMINENCE issues these Cookies in order to facilitate the User's navigation on the Site. They can also be issued by the brand's partners or advertisers in order to personalize the advertising offer sent outside the Site. Only the issuer of a Cookie is likely to read or modify the information contained therein.

Reading or placing certain Cookies may require the prior consent of the User. In this case, EMINENCE has set up a Cookie configuration tool allowing the User to refuse the deposit of cookies linked to targeted advertising, statistical analysis and social networks via the dedicated banner and by continuing their visit on the site.

You can modify and/or personalize your choices regarding the collection of cookies by clicking here

The User with a Customer account will also be able to find and modify their Cookie preferences in their profile.

Cookies have a lifespan limited to 13 months after their first deposit in the User's terminal equipment.

Cookies issued by EMINENCE

Cookies installed by EMINENCE on the User's terminal make it possible to recognize the browser used to connect to the Site for the purposes of:

- establish statistics (number of visits, page views, abandonment in the order process, etc.) in order to improve the quality of its services;

- adapt the presentation of its Site to the display preferences of the terminal;

- memorize the information entered, manage and secure access to personal spaces (Customer account, shopping cart);

- provide content in relation to the User's preferences and personalize offers, including advertising after the User's agreement.

Cookies issued by third parties

When the User accesses the EMINENCE Site one or more Partner Cookies may be placed on the computer via the pages of our Site or via content broadcast in advertising spaces.

The purpose of the cookies placed on the EMINENCE Site by the service providers used by EMINENCE to promote its activities and offers is:

- identify the products viewed or purchased on the Site in order to personalize the advertising offer sent;

- send offers from the brand by e-mail if the user has authorized it;

- allow the establishment of statistics on the advertisements broadcast.

The issuance and use of Cookies by third parties is subject to personal data protection and privacy policies. EMINENCE has no access to or control over third-party Cookies and acts as a subcontractor within the meaning of the Regulations in force.

However, EMINENCE ensures that said third parties process the data collected on the Site for the needs of the EMINENCE GROUP and in compliance with the Regulations on personal data.

Configuration elements and settings

The User can configure the deposit of cookies linked to targeted advertising, statistical analysis and social networks via the banner dedicated to cookies during their first connection. The User with a Customer account can also find and modify their Cookie preferences in their profile.

The User can configure their Internet browser so that Cookies are saved in their terminal or are rejected (systematically or depending on the issuer).

The User can also configure their Internet browser so that acceptance or refusal is offered to them before a Cookie is saved in their terminal.

The User can also choose to block or deactivate Cookies by configuring their Internet browser, in accordance with the instructions established by their provider and recalled below:

- On Mozilla Firefox: Open the “Tools” menu, then select “Options”; click on the “Privacy” tab then choose the desired options or follow this link: http://support.mozilla.org/fr/kb/activer-desactiver-cookies

- On Microsoft Internet Explorer: Open the “Tools” menu, then select “Internet Options”; click on the “Confidentiality” tab then the “Advanced” tab choose the desired level or T&Cs Online sales EMINENCE V4 June 15, 2018 4 follow the following link: http://windows.microsoft.com/fr-FR/windows-vista/Block-or-allow-cookies

- On Safari: Choose “Safari > Preferences” then click on “Security”; In the “Accept cookies” section, choose the desired options or follow this link: http://support.apple.com/kb/index?page=search&fac=all&q=cookies%20safari

- On Google Chrome: Open the configuration menu (wrench logo), then select “Options”; click on “Advanced options” then in the “Confidentiality” section, click on “Content settings”, and choose the desired options or follow the following link: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=fr

- On iOs: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1677?viewlocale=fr_FR The User can also type “Cookies” in the “Help” section of their browser to access the configuration instructions.

For more details, the user can consult the CNIL website and in particular the page: https://www.cnil.fr/fr/recommandation-sur-les-cookies-quelles-obligations-pour-les-responsables- of-sites-what-advice.